Sunday, 28 August 2011

Week Eight

This week I have used camera and shooting equipment to produce a series of test shots in practice for my video. I attempted to use a large variety of angles and movements to explore various techniques I could apply to my coursework piece. The sequences consisted of simple, physical, non-dialogue scenarios which could be manipulated later in Adobe Premiere Pro. I filmed the footage using a HD camera and a tripod - which was needed to provide a smooth and professional quality. After the footage had been filmed, I loaded them into the editing software and changed time settings and reverse speeds to produce different effects. I also achieved a split-screen.
I have also discovered the 2009 Smirnoff 'Be There' ad campaign which is very similar to the idea of my music video. In particular, the video's costumes, lighting and location provided me with fresh ideas for my own piece. I would like to combine the idea of these masked individuals, revelling in the woods, with the idea of an 'Alice' like figure, being drawn into their gathering and becoming one with them.

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Smirnoff 'Be There' ad. This is highly inspirational in terms of the creation of my music video. Though the costumes, location and props seem very difficult to achieve, I hope to emulate this quirky and slightly creepy ambiance.

Friday, 12 August 2011

Test Sequences

The shooting of these test sequences has enabled me to gain first-hand experience in handling digital cameras and tripods - equipment I intend to use in my music video. I have also been able to test Adobe CS3 as the editing software I will apply to my music video in post-production. The test has also permitted me to experience choosing the angle and depth of shots.

Reverse Storyboard

I have created a reverse storyboard which allows me to view a variety of camera angles and shots for a performance based music video. This will enable me to generate ideas for my own video, when thinking about how to shoot individuals and perhaps live performances. Close up shots appear to be the most effective way of shooting instruments as the lack of distance manages to draw audiences closer and feel more integral to the action.

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Week Seven

This week I have completed a reverse storyboard of the music video 'We Were Children' by Tribes. I decided to choose this video as it is purely performance based and thus relied heavily on camera angles which would portray the live performance as dramatic as possible. Though I intend to shoot a narrative-based music video, I intend for there to be C.U shots of the occasional percussion instrument.
I have also begun to design my digipack covers and brainstormed possible ideas through sketches. Though ideas are yet to be solidified, it is evident I am aiming for the front image to bear heavily towards an almost Pre-Raphaelite, pseudo-Gothic and surreal theme, with a focus on the outdoors and the night.

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Song for the Music Video

Cults - Oh My God is the current song choice for my music video. The female, fragile-sounding voice will work well with the events which occur in the garden. The song has an ethereal quality which works well with the unnatural theme of the music video.
The lyrics also mention venturing outside which would suit the outdoor shoot and the 'Alice in Wonderland' feel of the music video.