Sunday, 31 July 2011

Week Six

This is the diary entry for holiday work. I have embarked on a location recce. This involved taking photos of an area I intend to shoot my music video in. I was happy with how this went and it was very much a chance-scouting that I found the garden where I could envisage the idea of my music video occurring. Seeing the new location also changed my idea. Rather than set it in the woods - which would've been far more difficult to shoot in, I later found the garden would not only be more of a wiser location, practically, but also worked better with the 'narrative' of the video.
I have decided on the music I want for my video - 'Oh my god' by Cults. This is because it suits the mystical and slightly unsettling approach I desired.
The actual idea for my music video is ever evolving. Earlier in the holidays, I was on the brink of scrapping my current idea and going for a much more surreal and dramatic video. In the end, I decided the video was better suited as slightly more simplistic and less avante garde.
I began some sketches for the designs of costumes and have begun scouting cast members.

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